Cryptic's Michael Cavallaro's New Dev Diary Discusses Visual Effects in Star Trek Online

by on Nov 24, 2009

<p> <em>Star Trek Online</em> Visual Effects Lead Artist Michael Cavallaro has put together a new developer diary over at IGN. The new diary talks about the visual design for <em>Star Trek Online</em> and what...</p>

Star Trek Online Visual Effects Lead Artist Michael Cavallaro has put together a new developer diary over at IGN. The new diary talks about the visual design for Star Trek Online and what challenges the team faced in developing the Star Trek universe.

The first step in visualizing an effect is to meet with the design team to see exactly what something does, when it's used and how much damage it inflicts. From there we scour old episodes and movies to find all the reference for that particular effect. Sometimes we have several versions and sometimes it just doesn't exist. In the case of different versions from different time periods, we try to find the most iconic one to build off of and give it a modern look. For new effects, we work closely with the Art Lead and Concept Team to make sure that what we are creating looks and feels like it is Star Trek IP. It's kinda cool to think that a future Star Trek movie or TV show might use something we created as canon.

Read the full diary here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016