CVG Reviews the DoF Expansion

by on Nov 23, 2005

<p><strong>When forum trolls write reviews...</strong></p>

When forum trolls write reviews...

CVG gives EQ2's "Desert of Flames" expansion at score of 75 / 100, citing a lack of polish (but there are plenty of other Europeans playing, har har!) and a continuance of SOE's "feather ruffling" tradition of Combat Changes. Let the nastiness commence:

Poor old Sony. Given the massive debacle that was the Star Wars Galaxies Combat Upgrade, you'd think that its developer - Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) - would steer clear of using that phrase ever again. Not so. With the release of the Desert Of Flames expansion for the underrated EverQuest II - a game easily as enjoyable as WOW, but with half the calories... Sorry, I mean players - came an all-singing, all-dancing, all-existing player-base-annoying 'combat upgrade'. SOE must be cursed.

Yea, they're pretty much being populist WoW bastages about it. Check out CVG's EverQuest 2: Desert of Flames review for more ganky ire.

They had their say, now have yours! How thankful are you for the Combat Changes and "Desert of Flames" expansion? Take a moment to vote in our thanksgiving-themed poll (on the right sidebar), and support your viewpoint!l

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016