DC Dual Force The Digital Card Game Based on DC Comics

by on Oct 11, 2021

DC Dual Force The Digital Card Game Based on DC Comics

DC Comics has partnered with Cryptozoic Entertainment and Yuke's to announce a brand-new DC Comics-themed digital collectible card game called DC Dual Force, slated for release in 2022.

The game will include heroes and villains from the DC universe, including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn, The Joker, and more. Decks will be character themed.   So you could theoretically create a Batman / Harley Quinn deck. 

"We want players to think things like, 'What does a Batman/Aquaman deck feel like?' or 'What about a Superman/Harley Quinn deck?'," Cryptozoic CCO and co-founder Cory Jones said in an interview with GameSpot. "To be able to pick from two different leaders and mix their two sets together gives an opportunity for way more potential combinations of decks and the ability to be hyper-creative."


Cryptozoic created the physical DC Deck Building Game and expansions. 


How it works

All cards are color-coded: Tactics (blue), Might (red), Energy (green), Anarchy (orange), and Tyranny (purple).  Players choose two heroes of villains and then build out the deck accordingly. 

There is also a bit of a board game element with death of the opponent's Heroes / Villains being the win condition. The first player to defeat both of their opponent's Leaders will win the game.

Last Updated: Oct 11, 2021