DCUO Hero Profile: Superman

by on Nov 19, 2010

<p>There is something undeniably hot about a mild-mannered reporter with thick glasses and a clumsy demeanor who rips his clothes off at a moment’s notice to save the world.&nbsp;&nbsp; I am, of

There is
something undeniably hot about a mild-mannered reporter with thick glasses and a
clumsy demeanor who rips his clothes off at a moment’s notice to save the
world.   I am, of course, writing of the beloved Superman.  This Man of Steel is
a big part of the
DC Universe Online
experience and story so it is time to get to know this wondrous alien in tights
to know just who you are dealing with
when you hit the streets of Metropolis.

Superman, Clark Kent, or his birth name of Kal-El

DCUO Voice Actor:
Adam Baldwin

Homeworld:  Planet of Krypton

Super strength, speed, flight, breath, invulnerability, and various vision

Alignment: Good

Affiliations: Wonder Woman, Batman, and the Justice League.

DCUO Headquarters: The Watchtower

Arch Nemesis: Lex Luthor

First Appearance in DC Comics: 1938

Little Known Fact: Ever wonder what is up Luthor’s butt when it comes to
Superman? As youngsters, these two used to hang out until the Superboy foiled
one of Luthor’s plots and burned off all his hair. Yeah, being permanently bald
might ruin my century as well.

As part of
the amazing crime fighting mega trio (with Batman and Wonder Woman),
Superman brings to the table amazing powers that are truly other-worldly. No
gimmicks and no gadgets, but instead this alien to Earth weilds powers are a direct result from
the planet’s yellow sun.  The super hero was born on a planet called Krypton
which was completely destroyed leaving Superman as the last survivor of his race
(or so we thought until Supergirl).  His loving biological parents, Jor-El and
Lara, managed to launch their infant son off into space where he landed in Smallville
Kansas. It was here where he was found by his new adoptive
parents, Sam and Molly Kent, who loved the child who they named Clark, raised him
as their own and supported him even as his weird powers emerge.

As a teen,
Clark’s parents broke the news and truth of how and where they found
him. They had kept and hidden his nifty little space pod as evidence
(because the super powers weren’t evidence enough that something was a little
odd), which they showed to Clark.  It was this revelation of his
interesting origin and resolution of what must have been an epic teenage
identity crisis that inspired Clark to embrace who he was becoming and use his
powers to protect the world that had become his home.

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I can do that too...No, really!

headed out into the world, did the whole college thing (x-ray vision must have
been handy there!), then he finally landed a gig with the Daily Planet in
Metropolis as a reporter.  Here, he found his place in society in what has to be
the most crime infested city in the entire world and one of the star cities in
DCUO.  When Superman isn’t fighting
the everyday sort of crime, he’s waging war against his very cranky
arch-nemesis, Lex Luthor. It is this super genius who finally spawns the
storyline for the game.

As one of
the oldest super heroes ever, Superman has had a long and eventful existence.
He’s been a part of countless comics, radio shows, TV series, and movies that have
capture generation after generation. Even today, many decades after Superman’s
birth, you’ll spot little kids on Halloween (or grown overweight men at
conventions) donning the iconic blue tights and red cape.  His next incarnation
in DCUO will be no less impressive than any other medium he’s graced and whether
you are fighting side by side with Supes or against him, it’ll prove to be an
event to remember!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016