DDO Guild Leader Interviewed

by on Mar 27, 2006

<strong>Interview with the Guild Leader.</strong><br /> <br /> Okay, so we can't give you an interview with a vampire like Anne Rice did. How about giving you an interview with a <em>Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach</em> guild leader who stays up r

Interview with the Guild Leader.

Okay, so we can't give you an interview with a vampire like Anne Rice did. How about giving you an interview with a Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach guild leader who stays up really really late and may or may not have fangs?

One month has passed since the launch of Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach. The DDO Ten Ton Hammer guild (appropriately named Ten Ton Hammer) formed pre-launch during the head start event and has been going (and growing) strong ever since. Ralsu talks with TTH Guild leader, Shayalyn, about the guild and its members in this interview.

Ralsu: What are the people of TTH like?

Shayalyn: They're some fine people, if I do say so myself. I've found everyone I've had the pleasure of grouping with to be exceptionally helpful and generous. (In fact, every time we open a chest we go through a round of, "I got such-n-such item--anyone need it?") And many of us also have well defined senses of humor. I've never literally laughed out loud so often as when I'm out adventuring with some of our guild groups. (If you're ever on the Sarlona server and happen across a dwarf named Brockton, ask him to tell you the sad saga of Spunky the lab rat and the bizarre glass factory accident.)

Read all about the coolest guild on the Sarlona server at DDO-TenTonHammer!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016