DDO Mod 6 Interview w/ Producer Kate Paiz

by on Jan 29, 2008

<strong>It Paiz to discover Dungeons and Dragons Online's Module 6!</strong>

It Paiz to discover Dungeons and Dragons Online's Module 6!

Now that two years have passed since Dungeons and Dragons Online was released, the developers at Turbine are getting ready to release Module Six and are another step closer to reaching that goal of having everything in the D&D Player's Handbook incorporated into the game.

Being incredibly interested in the new Module and die-hard D&D players in their own right, Cody "Micajah" Bye and Garrett Fuller joined the Turbine crew for a guided tour of the latest virtual space in the game. While their overall feelings from the play session will be published tomorrow, the two Ten Ton Hammer staffers also asked several questions about the upcoming content in the game and what DDO gamers should expect in the near future.

We're dabbling in the PvP system in Module Six and we're also going to be working on it in Module Eight as well. We're definitely hoping to fill out a PvP competition structure that's a bit more robust and one that players can get a bit of prestige and notoriety from. We'd do some of this in Module Seven, but our work with the Monk class has us a bit preoccupied. However, it is something that we're really excited to continue building around, and it's definitely something we're looking to expand in the future.

The biggest news of the day: the Monks will definitely be in Module Seven. Make sure you check out the details at Ten Ton Hammer!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016