Dear Bigg: Any Advice On Winning Volskaya Industries?

by on Jun 05, 2018

Max "Bigg" Hoskin answers your Heroes of the Storm questions. This time? Winning on Volskaya Industries.

Dear Bigg

Have you any tips for Volskaya Industries? I've really poor win rates there, and am not sure what the best tactic is, or what a good draft looks like here. Thanks!


Hey Lotus! A few things to keep in mind on Volskaya would be the objective, and the mercenaries since they are unique here. For mercs, The turret camp and support camp are both items that can be picked up and used. These should be taken as often as possible, especially your turret camp. This will give you an edge over your opponent when it comes time to fight, as you will have extra items to push the fight in your favour.

Fighting for the objective itself has a few tricks to it. Try to be the first team to control the point. The enemy team will have to push you off to stop you from gaining percentage once you've captured. They will usually have to use items to retake the point. If you do not use your own turrets when they retake, you can wait for the items to time out or kill them yourself. Then, you can take a fight with your items still available, giving you a significant advantage. Once you win a Protector, there is usually a clear path to take it. For the first Protector, your goal should be to take the middle wall (a wall consists of the cannon towers and the gate), the top wall, and the top fountain. This will give you a good experience lead as well as set up for the next Protector which will always spawnat the top lane. You will have a fountain advantage over your opponent, allowing you to back off and heal quickly before contesting the point again. After the first Protector,  you will need to decide whether to go for a Keep or just break the remaining forts with your Protectors. The Keep will open up a win condition and apply pressure with catapults while the forts will give you more experience. Finally, and as noted above, the biggest thing you can do to help win games on Volskaya is to take turret camps as often as possible. The extra attacker is very powerful in teamfights.

Max "Bigg" Hoskin is ranked #5 Grandmaster in Heroes of the Storm. He spends all his free time playing the game, and produces ourMind of a Master series. Have a Heroes of the Storm question you'd like Bigg to answer? Drop us a line on TwitterFacebook or the comments section of our Tier List and Bigg will make every effort to answer it!


Last Updated: Jun 05, 2018