Dear Bigg: If My Team Drafts Badly, Is There Anything I Can Do?

by on May 01, 2018

Every week, Max "Bigg" Hoskin answers your Heroes of the Storm questions. This week? A bad draft.

Dear Bigg,

What's the best thing to do if my team (or a team-mate) have drafted badly? I recently played a match where we had almost no ranged damage on Braxis Holdout, resulting in us being stomped almost instantly. Do you sometimes just have to accept your team will draft badly, and there's nothing that you can do about it?


Hey Halis! The biggest thing you can do in Hero League to improve your draft is be flexible. You cannot control what your team will pick, but you can look at what they often play by looking at their statistics for the current season. If no one on your team plays Warriors, you might want to play a Warrior to maximize your chances of having a reasonable team comp (Blaze and Diablo are great choices right now). The biggest thing to keep in mind however, is that not every draft will be perfect - far from it. Most drafts will be weak in a variety of ways (whether it's wave clear, dive, ranged poke, or sustain). If you can identify what those weaknesses are, and play around that, you will be more successful. It must be said however that some drafts, depending on the standing in Hero League, will be a disaster and even though you should still aim to balance your composition, you can't always pull a win from doing so. Keep playing games, as the more games you play, the less impact the few stray bad drafts will have on your climb.

Max "Bigg" Hoskin is ranked #5 Grandmaster in Heroes of the Storm. He spends all his free time playing the game, and produces our Mind of a Master series. Have a Heroes of the Storm question you'd like Bigg to answer? Drop us a line on Twitter, Facebook or the comments section of our Tier List and Bigg will make every effort to answer it!

Last Updated: May 01, 2018