Dear Bigg: What's A Good Hero To Carry With?

by on Jul 17, 2018

Every week, Max "Bigg" Hoskin answers your Heroes of the Storm questions. This week? Carrying your team.

Dear Bigg

Are there any Heroes you'd recommend right now that can carry a match hard? If so, which are they and why?


Hey Mac! Little has changed here. The heroes that can carry a match have been similar for a while now. Genji and Tracer are both very good choices if played correctly. They both have very high damage and mobility, allowing you to dance around your enemies killing them one by one. Garrosh is a decent tank for carrying since he is able to isolate one enemy for your team to kill. As far as supports, they usually have a hard time carrying but CC supports such as Malfurion or Deckard would be your best bet. A lot of heroes can carry when played well, but your best choices would be Genji or Tracer.

Max "Bigg" Hoskin is ranked #5 Grandmaster in Heroes of the Storm. He spends all his free time playing the game, and produces our Mind of a Master series. Have a Heroes of the Storm question you'd like Bigg to answer? Drop us a line on TwitterFacebook or the comments section of our Tier List and Bigg will make every effort to answer it!

Last Updated: Jul 18, 2018