Dear Bigg: What's Your Best Advice For Climbing Out Of Bronze League?

by on Apr 24, 2018

Max "Bigg" Hoskin answers your Heroes of the Storm questions. This time? Determining the value of Specialists.

Dear Bigg

What's your best advice for climbing Hero League? I know that's a broad question, but match quality in Silver and Gold are often so random, it's hard to get a win-streak going. Is there one or more things I should be doing that can significantly help my win rates?


Hey Skydiver! In my experience, the best way to "carry" a match is to make sure you are soaking all lanes, at all times. If you see a lane without an ally in it, run to that lane to make sure you are soaking. I have won games purely on an experience advantage. Keep in mind you will still have to join your team if they are looking for a 5 man play, as they will probably attempt to fight whether you are there or not. If they all die, your soak will inevitably be in vain. Another tip that should help with Hero League is Mercenary Camps. If you just simply take the Camp(s) as often as possible and push with it, you can gain significant experience by killing a few structures. Any hero can take the Siege Camps as they all have dodge-able, low damage attacks. The Bruisers can be soloed by a few Heroes: Sonya, Greymane, and Jaina are very good picks, which can also take Mercenary Camps alone (even if Greymane and Jaina will require you to kite the camp a bit). While these tips should help, the biggest thing you can do to increase your rank is to play often. Game knowledge and mechanical skill all come with practice.

Max "Bigg" Hoskin is ranked #5 Grandmaster in Heroes of the Storm. He spends all his free time playing the game, and produces our Mind of a Master series. Have a Heroes of the Storm question you'd like Bigg to answer? Drop us a line on Twitter, Facebook or the comments section of our Tier List and Bigg will make every effort to answer it!

Last Updated: Apr 24, 2018