Deeds of Middle-earth

by on Oct 11, 2007

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Deeds provide a number of different benefits for the characters of Middle-earth. They can aid you in building power to defeat your foes by earning Virtues and gaining a variety of titles to display for prestige. Our Deeds of Middle-earth section will aid you in seeking out and completing these complex and time consuming tasks.

href="">Deeds of Forochel
href="">Deeds of the Misty Mountains
href="">Deeds of the Trollshaws href="">Deeds of Eregion
href="">Deeds of Evendim
href="">Deeds of Angmar href="">Deeds
of the North Downs href="">Deeds
of Ered Luin href=""
title="Deeds of the Shire">Deeds of the Shire href=""
title="Deeds of Bree-Land: The Book 10 Edition">Deeds of Bree-Land href=""
title="Deeds of the Lone-lands">Deeds of the Lone-lands

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target='_blank'> src=''
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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016