Deus Ex : Human Revolution Review (PC)

by on Aug 24, 2011

Deus Ex has
been referred to as the Holy Grail of gaming by its rabid fans. style="">  It sported a massive and
immersive world,
with a relatively emotionless protagonist to create your own image for. style="">  It also sported combat
that had multiple ways
to win,  and
eventually this style of
gameplay could be seen later in games such as Bioshock,
where crafty spells have just as lethal effects as

class="MsoNormal"> href=""> style="border: 0px solid ; width: 640px; height: 400px;" alt=""

style="font-style: italic;">....but yes, you can just shoot
everyone to pieces if you so choose.  

So the bar is quite high for style="">Deus Ex : Human Revolution. 
already saw one sequel in Deus Ex: Invisible
War try to remake that epic feel of JC Denton’s adventure,
the protagonist
of the first game.   While
it wasn’t a
bad game, it was nowhere near the level of awesome that the fan base
expecting.  Now it’s
up to the guys at
Eidos to learn from their mistakes and make a worthy sequel of a
legend. But
did they succeed?


This game is rated M for Mature. It’s not only mature for its topics and gameplay, but I would actually call it mature for understanding of the storyline as well.

Gameplay - 95 / 100

Revolution, and
the Deus Ex series in general are
wealth of genres pooled together. 
each one is an important part of the whole, we’ll approach the gameplay
one at
a time.

The first part of the gameplay that
will probably stand out
to you are the stealth portions.  These
are common, but largely optional. 
stealth is not a fun mechanic, and I’m happy to see the developers
this.  Being spotted
will almost always
trigger attacks and possibly reinforcements depending on the alert
level, but
the AI  for better
or for worse is
completely retarded.  If
you so much as
duck behind a box for a few seconds, the sentries will go right back to
posts/along their merry way.  Seeing
we’re not playing Metal Gear, I can
accept this.  It
also helps with the flow
of the game.  If
you’re constantly
getting spotted and not playing a combat-oriented character, you’ll
appreciate the quick resetting of patrols. 
But the stealth gameplay isn’t just get by—it can also be
get to your
opponents for conversations or quick kills.

href=""> style="border: 0px solid ; width: 640px; height: 360px;" alt=""

style="font-style: italic;">Stealth is optional, but the
rewards are so much more satisfying than playing Rambo.

When the blood spills, it turns into
a fairly standard
game.  Fans of the
original will be happy
to see that your accuracy isn’t horrendous at long range now, and like
other damn shooter, we’ve got a cover system. 
Even when you get hit, there’s a health regeneration
element.  A lot of
you probably stood up and yelled
after reading that, but fear not. 
fairly slow, and if you pump up the difficulty, extremely slow. style="">  Mistakes in combat are not
easily fixed as a
result, so you can’t rely on being in cover for 5 seconds to restore
health.  You restore
your ‘mana’ as well
when it is depleted, but only enough for one action’s worth. style="">  You have to find
consumables to restore the
rest.  Attacks such
as Takedowns (lethal
or non-lethal, more on this later) will use your energy just like

Hacking has always been a staple of
any sci-fi RPG, and it
returns in this game in multiple forms. 
Like Bioshock or style="">Fallout, you’ll hack computers to read
messages and use turrets.  style=""> But you’ll also be hacking
keypads, or if you’re
not man enough, you can typically find the code in the stage if you
enough. The actual hacking process itself is a difficult little mini
game about
territory control.  You
capture ‘territory
nodes’ on the way to the AI’s core, but along the way, the AI will come
to life
and begin taking territory back and try to make its way to your home
point.  Fail, and
chances are you just
pissed off the whole complex!  

One of the places Human
Revolution shines is in the conversations. 
There are multiple paths, but unlike Mass
Effect for instance, the asshole or bribery response is not
a guaranteed
way to get what you want.  Eventually
get augmentations to help you detect what kind of person you’re talking
to, but
until then you’ll have to rely on your wits and analysis to determine
how the
person best responds.  Each
will only happen once if you reach an end point that locks you out, so
think you can just mash options and work your way to a resolution
through trial
and error.  Note
that you can actually
hover over your conversational choice to see what you’re going to say
rather than just some little quip, which is a nice feature for those of
seeking to fully define our main character’s personality.

All in all, the spirit of the
original is definitely
noticeable, and this is a very good thing!

Graphics - 87 / 100

The world truly feels dark and lost, a feeling created by a world of drab designs and shadows. Normally I would use those terms negatively but we’ve got a setting of a dim future, and this fits perfectly. The character designs and effects are spot on. If you have the hardware to crank out all of the fancy DX11 effets, you’ll have the prettiest (well, for a cyberpunk) RPG on your hands.

Sound - 95 / 100

My immersion in an RPG is defined by two things –the people and the soundtrack. Both of these things are absolutely wonderful. The soundtrack is done by Michael McCann and is good to the point of me actually listening to the bonus soundtrack that comes with the Augmented Edition of the game. The conversations are emotional and play out naturally. Some of the combat sound effects are a little tame, but that’s a tiny flaw in an otherwise stellar score.

Value - 87 / 100

Perhaps the best part of the game is that there are so many ways to get from point A to point B. The end result is at least 2 full playthroughs worth of content, and I clocked in my first at about 25 hours. The main downside is that the primary bosses of the game can’t be talked down or really have anything truly crafty done to them, but everything else in the world is fair game for that! It’s a minor complaint at best to a robust single player experience

Lasting Appeal - 82 / 100

Invisible War has finally been atoned for. What’s more, this game has such a foundation that an expansion is a possibility, and if the game does well, is quite likely. It’s a sci-fi experience that blows Fallout 3 and New Vegas out of the water easily. There are some tiny gripes and obvious ‘it’s a port’ moments, such as some mouse slowdown and glitches that will inevitably be patched out with time. These little bugs don’t detract at all from the glorious gameplay that will have you talking for months to come.

Pros and Cons

Pros: Holy crap, they delivered on the
hype promises! Wonderful ambience – sound,
graphics, npcs, all really
contribute to set the mood Lots of little things that touch
back on the first game’s


It’s still a good PC experience,
but it’s a port Takedowns are awesome, but I wish
I could melee normally
sometimes It took a decade and change to
make a worthy sequel to the


Deus Ex : Human Revolution is a wonderful step forward for cyberpunk RPG enthusiasts. This is RPG perfection! The world feels vivid, the options in combat are numerous and varied, and you can come up with multiple ways to ‘solve’ a situation typically. You have every reason to explore and try things in Human Revolution, and what’s more, you’re actually rewarded for doing so rather than feeling like you wasted your time. Other developers, take note, this is a wonderful feeling to have in games!

Overall 87/100 - Very Good

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016