Dev Panel Transcript

by on Jan 30, 2008

<b>Text It Up</b><br>

Text It Up

You've seen the video, now read the transcript. Age of Conan developers sit down with community members and press to discuss the state of the game. They answer questions about stealth, raiding, female characters, loot and more. For the first time, this panel is now available in transcript format.

We will have twenty plus raid targets at launch. We're going to have 24-man teams as raid target number of players. Almost exclusively the raids are high level, as in 75+ to 80. I think there are one or two examples of lower level, but I'm not totally sure if they're going to make it or if we ramp them up to level 80. Our estimate says that we have several hundred hours of raid content, and I hope that's true, but it also depends on how hard we make it. I mean we can make one raid take several hundred hours.

Read the transcript now! Then head to the forums, and discuss.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016