Developers Make Their Resolutions for the New Year

by on Jan 10, 2009

<p>Many of us have already made our New Year's resolutions. Some resolved to lose that holiday feast chub, others devised a plan to stop smoking, but what do developers resolve?

Many of us have already made our New Year's resolutions. Some resolved to lose that holiday feast chub, others devised a plan to stop smoking, but what do developers resolve? Tracey John asks developers what their New Year's resolutions are and gets back some interesting answers!

Josh Drescher, associate producer:

- To visit all of the places where “WAR” is being played that I DIDN’T visit last year. I’m looking at YOU, Italy and Spain.

Paul Barnett, creative director:

- To make good on our promises — by which we mean that we’re going to bring more “WAR” to more people more often, all over the world.

Developers from Age of Conan, EVE Online, Warhammer Online and more share their resolutions for their games in the new year and give a peek into what 2009 might bring for all of our favorite games.

Visit Tracey John's MTV Multiplayer Blog to read more!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016