E3 AA - Scott Brown Interview

by on May 14, 2006

<strong>Tuning Up Auto Assault - An Interview with Scott Brown</strong><br /> <br /> NCSoft held a press event Thursday night featuring several prominent developers. Among them was Scott Brown, President of NetDevil and a player's developer. Brown has b

Tuning Up Auto Assault - An Interview with Scott Brown

NCSoft held a press event Thursday night featuring several prominent developers. Among them was Scott Brown, President of NetDevil and a player's developer. Brown has been and remains the driving force behind MMO of fast destruction: "Auto Assault." He clued us in on the sweeping improvements coming soon as he artfully dodged a pointed question about subscriber numbers. I suppose that's why they made him president!

"I chatted briefly with Scott "Scorch" Brown, President of NetDevil at NCSoft's E3 developer "speed dating" event (no, really; you sit down for a few minutes with several prominent NCSoft developers as they wend their way from table to table - it cuts down on the awkward pauses). The good news: a chance to respec your abilities, the auction house, and several nice amenities are coming soon; the bad news: you don't get a second chance to make a first impression, and in-town model animations aren't likely to see much improvement."

Check out our Q&A with Auto Assault's Scott Brown from E3 2006!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016