E3 NCSoft Media Quickie

by on May 12, 2006

<strong>NCsoft's E3 Media Quickie</strong><br /> <br /> Writer Shiina Liao was herded through several small rooms where NCSoft devs struggled to pack their blurbs into tight 15 minute segments. It's the annual NCSoft Media Quickie (no, that's not the of

NCsoft's E3 Media Quickie

Writer Shiina Liao was herded through several small rooms where NCSoft devs struggled to pack their blurbs into tight 15 minute segments. It's the annual NCSoft Media Quickie (no, that's not the official name, but we like it!)

On the docket: Guild Wars and Guild Wars Factions, Tabula Rasa, and a host of "free" games (Exteel, Dungeon Runners, and Soccer Fury, to name a few!). But the biggest news comes from ArenaNet / NCSoft:

A first sneak peak of the next Guild Wars expansion! It has a very definitive North African theme. Deserts, barren and desolate lands, and lumbering elephants. It seems to also extend to the general region and perhaps drawing influences from some Middle-East locations, as there seems to be varieties of structures shown that draw inspiration from there as well. Grandiose palaces shimmering with ornate beauty and settings that brings to the mind wonderings of the history and lore of the land.

Check out Ten Ton Hammer's coverage of the E3 2006 NCSoft media quickie!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016