E3 Open to the Public in 2009?

by on Oct 21, 2008

<strong>If a tree falls at next year's E3 it may actually hit someone.</strong>

If a tree falls at next year's E3 it may actually hit someone.

In rumors swirling from G4 to Newsweek, the information being bandied about is that E3 is going back on it's staunch view that E3 should only attract a few industry people that couldn't get out of jury duty. Apparently next year they are hearkening back to yesteryear-type attendance and opening the doors to the public to get back the kinds of crowds they used to have. They will be capping it at 40,000 though. I am not sure if this is too little too late now that the industry has created very viable alternatives (PAX, ComicCon, and all of the company specific events) but if they can regain just a shred of what it used to be, we the fans could have some good times (I don't really care about the company budgets!).

For more rumor and a bit more information, head over to Newsweek.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016