EA's Jacobs on Success After AoC and Hellgate:London

by on Sep 02, 2008

<strong>Would you like a side of lighter fluid with that match?</strong>

Would you like a side of lighter fluid with that match?

Apparently RvR is really ramping up the juices as Warhammer Online as Mark Jacobs discusses competition and names some names like Age of Conan and Hellgate: London. In an unusually (unusual for the industry anyway) candid discussion with MTV, Mr. Jacobs discusses the perceived shortfalls of both games. Did he go too far?

In realistic terms Jacobs knows that all of the chips are on the table. EA, Games Workshop and Mythic have gone "all in" for this hand. Pointing out the public reaction to Age of Conan and it's issues post launch, Jacobs knows they will be held to the same if not tougher standard, and they have to be nimble:

"...no matter how great you think your game is, developers must listen to the community. It doesn’t mean you have to follow what they say, but you always have to listen,” he said. “The test of greatness is to know how to look at it and either incorporate it or learn from it. We might listen to the wrong advice, but we always listen. That’s how I think all developers have to be because nobody is that smart and nobody is right all the time.”

Coupling the above with the statement from the Leipzig MMO panel discussing Mythic's commitment to build 70% of the game with community in mind, makes me think these guys "get it." Or do they? Do you think that the mix of talent, time and titles can overcome the WoW phenomena? I think it can. I'll be lined up and playing the day WAR comes out. As importantly though, do you think that developers calling out other developers is good for the industry? Does it create a friendly atmosphere of co-opetition (cooperation/competition) or does it just bring bad blood? I believe Mr. Jacobs handled this well, do you?

If you still don't think these guys are one of us, check out their commitment to the community:
Who else would blog just to beat his buddies? Check in with Jeff Hickman as he Blogs from Pax.
And don't forget to check out the exclusive interviews with Jeff Hickman and Josh Drescher.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016