EA Working on New MMO?

by on Dec 02, 2008

<strong>EA is not shy about developing MMOs apparently.</strong> <p></p>

EA is not shy about developing MMOs apparently.

Is it all just "Loose Talk" or is there some fire under that smoke? It all started when I picked up the latest GameInformer Magazine when I purchased a certain expansion called Wrath of the Lich King. In the magazine, I came across a little note in their rumor mill section titled "Loose Talk" on page 30 that caught my eye. The news is titled "EA's Giant Online Investment" and includes the following information:

"When Electronic Arts acquired Mythic Entertainment, it was clear that the publisher had desings for the MMO space. But EA's stake in Mythic is just the tip of the iceberg. Loose Talk has heard of a mysterious MMO at EA called Project B that is garnering a budget of $160 to $170 million."

Very interesting indeed. With no more information to go on, all we can do is speculate that EA is learning a lot from its acquisitions of Mythic and BioWare. Wait a minute...Project B, BioWare, could there be a connection? My mind is a buzz with possibilities. Stay tuned.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016