Early Access Extended

by on May 28, 2008

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Due to some issues with some distribution companies some members will not have their retail boxes to keep playing after the Early Access ends. While Funcom does not control the shipping from various outlets they have no control over when players will receive their full version copy of the game, but to show what a great company Funcom is they have decided to extend the grace period of Early Access so many players who have not received their retail keys can keep playing. Well done Funcom.

Dear Early Access Customer,

As you may know, today was the deadline for registering a retail key to continue playing Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures.

From reading our forums and support emails, we’ve discovered there have been some issues with regional distribution and retail shipments not making it out on time. While this is only the case for a minority of the players, we understand this would leave some of our players with no way to access the game until these shipping difficulties have been resolved. Even though we do not control the distribution and shipping process for Age of Conan, we have however decided to do what we can.

As a result we will extend the Early Access grace period a few more days, meaning that you can continue to play until Friday, 30 May 2008 at 22:00GMT. After that time, you will need to enter a retail key to continue playing.

We hope these additional days are sufficient so that everyone who has pre-ordered will get their Age of Conan retail box in time.


The Age of Conan development team

You can read the official announcement here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016