Editorial - 10/25 Man Raids

by on May 26, 2008

<strong> Will raiding be the same?</strong>

Will raiding be the same?

With all the recent information coming out about the Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK) expansion there has been many topics to discuss. The current hot topic being discussed is the change to raiding coming in the expansion. Blizzard has seen how popular the 10 main raid content has been that was introduced in the Burning Crusade and is reacting to it. Karazhan is hands down the busiest raid instance that Blizzard has ever created post expansion. More players have seen it that any other Burning Crusade Raid.

Due to this popularity and in an effort to have casual raider be able to see more content Blizzard has stated that in WotLK all raids will be 10 man and 25 man capable. What does this mean to the average player and the raider? Byron "Messiah" Mudry looks into this in this weeks editorial.

The WotLK raids will be the same for both 10 and 25 man versions. This means that Blizzard can design one area and server two very different groups. 10 man raids are much more casual than 25 man raids and allow smaller guilds or even PUGs to attempt them, while 25 man raids require much more effort and coordination. All the time currently spent designing 25 main raids will now benefit many more players since the zone will be the same for both. Likely all bosses and trash will be the same as well.

You can find all the details in this weeks Editorial - 10/25 Man Raids in the WotLK.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016