Editorial - Getting Ready for Cataclysm

by on Oct 06, 2009

With the next expansion for the World of Warcraft seemingly just around the corner it is time to start getting ready for Cataclysm.  Since the release of the World of Warcraft many things have...

With the next expansion for the World of Warcraft seemingly just around the corner it is time to start getting ready for Cataclysm.  Since the release of the World of Warcraft many things have changed, however a few things have remained constant with each expansion release.  So with at least a few months until Cataclysm is released what should players be doing to get ready for it? 

Stock up on gold - This is a huge one. This has been said before and will be again, no matter what else I say in this article, currency is king. While a lot of other things are good to do, and may be important, anything can change in the release of Cataclysm, therefore somethings could be wrong, however, gold ALWAYS can help. How much gold should you have? The more the better, but since gold is so easy to get and with many high level items going for over 10,000 gold currently in the Auction House, I would suggest stockpiling at least 20,000 gold. This can be done fairly easily in just a few weeks, so get cracking!

Byron “Messiah” Mudry looks at some possible answers to just that question in his article this week on getting ready for Cataclysm.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016