Emotes Guide 2.0

by on May 24, 2007

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Emotes Guide 2.0

By: Martuk

Emotes provide an interactive way for players to communicate in Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO). Turbine provided a robust list of emotes when the game launched and continued to build onto them with additional emotes during their free content updates. This given LOTRO one of the best selections of character emotes around.

Emote Command
/AFK or /Away
This emote indicates to others that you are away from your keyboard. This is generally what people use when they step away. To add, if you type /afk “Add message here.” You can personalize your afk message.
This allows you to indicate that you agree with something.
This emote allows you to clear your throat. Ahem.
This emote causes you to become angry. Generally a good way to express displeasure at something as your avatar waves his fist in the air with an unfriendly look.
You decide to assist someone.
This emote allows you to insinuate you want to attack something.
This emote causes you to beckon someone.
This emote causes you to beg. This is usually the emote I get when I play music. Followed by, “Please stop.”
This emote tells others you are taking a short break to refresh yourself. Nothing quite says I got to go like your character hopping up and down with his knees folded while clutching his groin.
Your cheeks turn red as you blush from embarrassment.
This emote causes you to look bored. When your bored a large yawn will let them know it.
You pester the people around you.
This emote causes you to bow.
This tells others you will be right back.
With a little gas build up, you burp loudly. How rude!!!
You wave goodbye to everyone.
You try to calm down those around you.
This allows you to scream charge. Lead those troops into battle.
This emote causes you to cheer. Cheer your friends on as they pummel your enemies…Just don’t forget to heal them while doing it or you might get /angry.
You clap for those around you.
This emote causes you to appear confused. The look on the face says it all duh huh.
You congratulate those around you on a job well done.
This emote causes you to cough. This one doesn't really need me to explain it. Just cover your mouth.
This emote causes you to cower in fear. Chicken.
This emote causes you to mime insanity. If you think the guy beside you is nuts, the ol screwy finger to the side of the head will let everyone else know it.
This emote causes you to cry. Have some humility man. How are the forces of evil going to feel when faced with a crying Guardian eh?
You take a curtsey bow for those around you. I didn't know we had Ballet in Middle Earth?
This emote causes you to dance and is the first of many dance moves. I warn you some of us can’t dance.
This emote causes you to dance. A second dance move version. You think the first one was bad for some, wait till you see it compiled with a second.
This emote causes you to dance. Yep a third and for some it’s even worse.
This emote causes you to dance. Unless a person can dance they should not have made it past the second one. If they did take your bow and shoot them.
This emote is gained from the festival dances and will dance like a Dwarf.
This emote is gained from the festival dances and will dance like a Elf.
This emote is gained from the festival dances and will dance like a Hobbit.
This emote is gained from the festival dances and will dance like a Man.
This emote causes you to drink. Nothing tops off a battle like a refreshing drink.
You drool a bit. Wipe your mouth man!
This emote causes you to dust yourself off. After a battle brush yourself off to spite your foes.
This emote causes you to eat. A simple emote for having a bite to eat.
This emote causes you to faint. This ones really funny. Especially if its your tank that’s doing it. Feeling a bit light headed and a fast collapse to the ground. A tad overacted as well.
You glance around and fidget nervously.
You let others know you are ready to fight something.
This emote causes you to flex. If you have no muscles don’t. the orc will laugh at you.
You turn a flip.
This emote causes you to flirt. Its really scary when no ones around the person flirting.
This will tell others they should follow you now.
You giggle at those around you.
Aggravated by current events, you grumble at those around you.
This emote causes you to perform a handstand. Feeling athletic? Try a balance act on your hands. If you’re lucky the orc won’t gank you before you get down.
You hug those around you as you offer some lovin.
This emote causes you to act impatient. Tired of waiting? This will let them know it.
You let those around you know that you are innocent. That is also usually a sign of guilt.
This emote causes you to kiss. You guessed it.
This emote causes you to kneel. Kneeling such as one does in the presence of royalty.
This emote causes you to laugh. Laugh at your friends or your foes just laugh.
This emote causes you to lie down. You can do this and lie on the ground and admire the stars.
This emote allows you to Laugh Out Loud.
This emote causes you to look around. Glance around the area or at a person.
You look around the surrounding area.
This emote causes you to mock. Nya Nya Nya Nya NYAAAA
This emote causes you to mourn. Mourn the loss of a friend. Goes nice with /cry.
You mumble under your voice.
This allows you to play an instrument. You can also play the instrument to create your own musical sonnets.
This emote causes you to indicate no. No means NO!!
You do nothing.
This allows you to say the one thing you never want to here from a Minstrel during battle. Out of Power.
You pat someone on the head.
This emote causes you to pick a wedgy. If you can dig a wedgy out of plate or chain armor….your good.
This emote causes you to point. Let someone know which way by pointing it out.
You poke someone near you. Hey quit it!!!
This emote causes you to pose heroically. Some people just aren't meant to look heroic.
This emote causes you to do Pushups. Useful for staying in shape, well, not really, but the Captain of my Kinship likes to make us do them anyway.
You let those around you know that you are ready.
You ask those around you to stop and rest. Being an anchor are we?
This emote causes you to roar. Roar at your enemies with a vicious cry.
This emote causes you to make a rude gesture. Tell that orc where he can stick the white hand.
This emote causes you to become sad. A lot of folks with emotional disorders in Middle Earth.
This emote causes you to salute. A popular emote as it allows you to salute in a military manner.
This emote causes you to scold. Let’s you tell someone they have been bad.
This emote causes you to scratch yourself. If it itches, scratch it.
This emote causes you to shake your fist. Another angry emote for expressing displeasure with someone.
You shiver at something.
This emote causes you to shrug. Another way of saying, “I don’t know.”
This emote causes you to sigh. Sigh in relief, disappointment or whatever the occasion.
This emote causes you to sit. This will also allow you to sit in a chair if you stand with your back to the seat.
You slap someone across the cheek. Be ready to duck or they may slap you with a club.
This emote causes you to smack yourself. Simply put, ”DOH!!”
This emote causes you to smoke. Breaks out the pipe and smokes some Pipe-Weed. South Farthing for the win.
This emote causes you to choke on your pipe smoke.
You apologize to those around you. This is also good to do after a slap. It might avoid the club.
You give someone a good long stare.
You tell those around you a story. Probably all lies, but a good emote none the less.
You stretch so that others know you are ready.
This emote causes you to surrender. So you guys know. Its kind of hard to engage the enemy when your both running in the same direction.
You start sweating a little. Nervous are we?
This emote allows you to appear to be having a conversation.
This emote causes you to throw a tantrum. Your character throws a childish, fiery fit, even resorting to stomping his feet.
A single tear rolls down your cheek.
This emote causes you to thank someone. Be polite and thank those around you or an individual.
You ponder what’s next.
You ask those around you to wait a moment. Still being an anchor eh?
This emote causes you to wave.
You whistle at someone.
You take one look at something and wince.
You give someone a friendly wink.
The day has taken its toll on you as you Yawn loudly.
This emote causes you to indicate yes.

You can learn more about additional Social Emotes Here.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016