Enchanting 101 guide

by on Oct 21, 2005

Wowvault.ign.com has had a new Enchanting 101 guide posted. It is a small guide that explains to new players or players that do not understand enchanting how the profession works.

Wowvault.ign.com has had a new Enchanting 101 guide posted. It is a small guide that explains to new players or players that do not understand enchanting how the profession works. It also has a basic price list to be used as a guide for what enchants cost.

I'd like people to understand first how enchanters get their reagents. In order to get reagents we need to DISENCHANT (DE) some green/blue items

One green/blue item, apropriate level will produce 1-5dust or 1-2essence (not water, fire ones…magical essences) or they will produce 1 small or large shard (commonly from blue items, about 5% drop from most green items)

You can find the complete guide here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016