Enchanting Page Two

by on Jul 15, 2007

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Ten Ton Hammer's Enchanting Guide Profession Guides
First Aid

This is continued from Page One of our Enchanting Guide. Click here to return to the first page. Page one goes over who and what Enchanting is while page two details exactly how to use Enchanting.

For Experienced Enchanters: Below is the basic information on Enchanting. To continue on the more detailed part of this guide click here.

How-To Enchant Gear or Craft

To begin you need to first have the Enchanting skill (return to page one if needed). You’ll also need the proper enchanting materials (head down to learn how to disenchant or buy them off the Auction House). You’ll also need to have learned the formula (recipe) in order to make an item. These can be obtained from trainers, enemy drops, quests, or other players.

If you’ve got everything you need, open the Enchanting window from spellbook. You’ll see a list of things you can make along with the various buttons which are quite self-explanatory. Enchantments usually require a set amount of dusts and essences found from disenchanting things along with a rod created by blacksmiths. These rods are usually found on the Auction House or you can just buy one from another player.

Enchanting differs from other trades in that when you create an enchantment, you’re not making something. You’re applying it to something else. So when you press create your mouse pointer will have a glow around it and allow you to left click on whatever you want to enchant to enchant it.

Each enchant tells you what it goes on. For instance, a hand enchant will only work on an item that fits the hand slot. A chest enchant will only work on something that equips to your chest. You can only have one enchant on an item at a time and you can overwrite it with a new enchant any time you want to (but the old enchant is lost).

You can also “trade” enchants. Have someone put an object in the “do not trade” section of the trade window then use the same process to enchant it. Both players have to click accept for it to go through, though. That way you can get your payment and they can get their enchant at the same time.


Warning: Disenchanting something will completely destroy the item you disenchant. There is no “undo”.

To disenchant an item you simply select the skill from your spellbook. Your mouse will have a white glow around it. Move your mouse and left click any green quality or higher item. If it is disenchantable (some items are not) then a bar will appear and tell you how much time before it’s finished. During this time you CAN cancel. However, once the deal is done there is no going back.

Once it is disenchanted a loot window will open up and let you take the various dusts and essences. Move the loot to your inventory and you’re done. It’s that simple.

Disenchanting will skill up Enchanting until 60 skill. You will also need to have a certain skill in enchanting to disenchant certain item levels.

Level to Disenchant

Skill Item Level 1 1-15 25 16-20 50 21-25 75 26-34 100 35-39 125 40-44 150 45-49 175 50-54 200 55-59 225 58-63 275 64 and above 300 Epic level 70 items (Purple)

What Items give What Materials

Material Mostly Comes From: Dust Green Armor Essence Green Weapons Shard Blue Items Nexus Crystals

Purple Items (51-60)

Void Crystals Purple Items (61-70)


Being Social - Selling Enchants

Turning a profit with Enchanting can be a lot of work but it can also be very rewarding. Players are always getting near gear that needs to be enchanted and they always need to find a player to do it. Finding ways to get it out there that you are able to do certain enchants is tough work and you’ve got to be able to communicate with others. Here are some tips that really help get the word out.

Find where you are most comfortable selling your enchants. There are two main ways of doing it. One is to sell only to your guild and their friends – but often times you’ll find yourself doing it at cost meaning you don’t make any profit. The other is to sell on the trade channel which requires perseverance to either jump on people looking for enchants to shout what enchants you have for sale or can do and how much. Decide on your prices beforehand. Come up with how much each enchant will cost your customer. Decide on the value of your reagents if using your own and the rarity of the actual recipe. If they supply their own think up the cost of your time to do it – but don’t overcharge. Be courteous no matter the situation. Being nice is important, very important, and will get you repeat business. Even if the person you’re dealing with is talking in cellphone lingo you might as well be kind to them. Remember your character only has one name – if you ruin it then no one will want to buy from you.
Avoid drama, never steal anyone’s reagents no matter how no-name they are, and most importantly never scam anyone. The temptation is always there when the newbie puts a BoE piece of equipment in the trade slot instead of the do not trade slot. You have to tell them and educate them – not take their stuff. As said earlier, you only have one name and if you ruin it then you ruin your business.
Keep the trade channel open and always check the current prices. You don’t want to overcharge and you definitely don’t want to undercharge.
Keep prices competitive. Always try to sell lower then others but not too much you’re taking a loss. Never sell anything at a loss unless it’s for a friend.
Keep your crafting supplies available either in your inventory or bank and keep them organized! It helps a ton to make sure everything is available right off the bat.
Making Money through Disenchanting

Turning a profit with disenchanting can be a challenging task. First off you have to figure out how much net profit you’ll make off of disenchanting an item, the actual cost of the item, and the time it takes to bother with it.

You can make a lot of money with disenchanting. The process is very simple. You buy various green items off the Auction House, disenchant them, and then resell the reagents obtained for a profit back on the Auction House. This is usually done in a loop where you invest a lot of your money into this, disenchant a ton of items, and then relist them for very noticeable and very high profits.

This plan isn’t without its own risks of course. Sometimes items will disenchant for less then what is expected. Sometimes the market will randomly change and your profit can turn out to be a loss. Sometimes you may find your items not selling and being stuck with reagents that you personally can’t use. That’s why you have to use a little bit of math beforehand.

The basic formula to making a profit with disenchanting is based purely on how much the items value is worth to either buy or sale before disenchanting and how much the ingredients produced through disenchanting are in the current market. For instance lets assume you buy a level 62 green which will turn into 2x Arcane Dust (or so you estimate). You buy it for 4 gold and since Arcane Dust is going for 4 gold each on your server that means you’ve made 8 gold for a little bit of time and effort.

Now let’s say the item sells for 4 gold and Arcane Dust is currently going for 2 gold each. You’re coming out at a loss since you not only took Auction House fees but also the time to do it. Therefore you loose your money and time.

You’re going to always be taking a risk though and never invest all of your money into this plan. Often times other people will be flooding the market and you’ll be stuck at a non-optimal price. Other times you may be tempted to spend a little bit extra on a few greens and find that they are in no way worth as much as you had hoped.

There are a few options if you find yourself with a lot of dusts that you don’t need. The first one is to make oils with them. Oil generally can use a lot of dusts and they may sell better then the dusts themselves would. At least as a way to get your money back. The other is to wait on the market to come back and just sit on your resources. Who knows, you may need to enchant something with them yourself.

Be careful though if the deal seems too good to be true. Often times you may make a mistake and spend a lot of money only realize it was. The other tip is to bid on items and hope you win. Often times bids will be way below buyouts. You never know, you may get lucky and win something that may net you 7 gold for 10 silver.

Comments or questions? Email us (Xerin@TenTonHammer.com) or post on our forums!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016