End of European Beta

by on Feb 24, 2006

<strong>European Beta Comes to an End</strong><br>

European Beta Comes to an End

Satine (Codemasters Community Manager for DDO Europe) has announced the final timetable for the end of the European beta and start of the head start program. She stresses that the times and dates maybe subject to change.

Here is the pertinant information:

Schedule for the next few days: (Disclaimer: Please do not hold us to these times as you never know what could happen!)

The European beta will be shutting down at around 1pm GMT on Friday afternoon (24th February). The pre-order head start access keys will be activated between 9am - 12pm GMT on Monday 27th February in order to give you plenty of time to set up your subscription to DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ONLINE™ Early/head start access will commence between 9am - 11am GMT on Tuesday 28th Early/head start access will be closing around 8AM Friday 3rd March Full retail access commences around 10AM Friday 3rd March Lyrandar, Boldrei and Aureon will be the available servers at head start and launch Dorn and Onatar will not be online until the 17th March as they are reserved for our French and German head start customers News on the times of French and German head start server access to come later

Is the time for the Euro head start a clue as to when the North American head start will begin on Friday, February 24? Only time will tell! In the meantime, anticipation continues to run high.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016