Episode 2: Still Thinking

by on Sep 08, 2006

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The Road to 7th Edition

Episode #2: Still Thinking

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WARNING: This article and the associated articles are not directly related to Warhammer Online, and are instead more geared towards Warhammer Fantasy Battles. So if you are not a fan of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, this may not be the article for you. Of course you’re still going to read it… come on… chicken…


So by now most of you should assume that I’ve finished choosing what new army I’m going to play for Warhammer Fantasy, and to tell you the straight up truth; I haven’t.  I have no idea what army I am going to play for this new edition of Fantasy as I’ve been pulled in several different directions by the advice of different players and friends.  So this week’s entry will continue my plight of trying to pick a Fantasy army.

I Need to Convert

The manager of my local game store is a miniature sculptor and does a fantastic job of making models, this is good.  The bad thing about my local store manager is that he is intent on making me learn how to use green stuff and convert models to ridiculous degrees.  I am weak and tended to agree that if I were to do a new fantasy army that I would at least convert my top tier character and solo models so that they stand out on the table.

So the suggestion I got was to stay away from any sort of Elf or Human armies as any kind of sculpting or converting mistake is easily recognizable on any of them.  So that seemed to put the kibosh on my boxed Empire army in the basement for the time being.  Of course this by no means says I won’t do a human/elf army it just means I might not look at them as intently.

The idea that I need to do conversion work was put into my head almost right after the first article so it kind of stuck with me…

All Hail the Empire

After getting through the discussion of conversions and how humans would be a bad idea I came home and studied over my various different emails from people in the community.  Amongst the plethora of advertisements for “C1@lis” I received a well thought out email from Chris L. who pointed me in the direction of Empire once more and gave me some further thoughts on them.

Keeping in mind that I still have a sizeable force of Empire on sprues at home I am torn between playing them as an army or not.  Chris’ direction pointed me towards an excellent online Empire resource at the Warhammer-Empire where I further learned tactics of the Empire and got a better understanding of my human brethren of the Old World.

This being in my mind now, I was resolved to think even further on the army that I would choose as I was still clearly unsure as to what I wanted…

Yiffing & Cruelty

Falling back on the thoughts of my fellow TenTonHammer staff members, I found nothing but more conflict.  It seems that our resident “Loading…” writer Boomjack thought it best that I should take up the crusade of the Lizardmen because they were somehow related to the Furry fetish.  I don’t know what exactly Boomjack knows about Yiffing but my research indicates something completely different.  Clearly our fearless leader has yet to find the Wikipedia.  For his benefit and those of you who are completely oblivious, I say ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK.

So beyond the deep insights of Boomjack, TenTonHammer’s ‘Messiah’ stepped up to the plate and decided to throw his two cents onto the subject at hand.  At first I received an off-handed email from my old partner at the WoW site about how I should do Empire because it clearly matched my horrible painting style (another vote for humans!).  Upon further analysis from Messiah it seems that I should infact be playing the Dark Elves for reasons described here.

So between the maliciously evil dark elves who somehow match my personality, and the Lizardmen that are somehow related to Furry animals, I find myself once again torn between several armies.

You… the People!

This will be the last week I sit on this massive decision of what army I will be starting up for the new edition of Fantasy.  As the seventh edition rulebook and the new boxed set is released this Saturday I will be sure to pick it up and ponder over it while I decide what army needs some “Ratboy love”.

Of course in the meantime I need more feedback from community members so I can get a full scope of all the armies out there.  Thus far I’ve gotten some good general feedback on a lot of the armies and a lot more specific information on the Empire from about three or so people, so the other armies need to start stepping up and telling me why they’re awesome.  Clearly if you play Chaos Dwarves I expect an email from you ASAP!

If you do have ANY suggestions, comments, or questions about an army I should play; feel free to email me at:  ratboy@tentonhammer.com

In the meantime take some time out of your day to save a starving child in a third world country and vote on what plastic toy soldier army I should play by checking out our poll.


Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016