EQ2: Echoes of Faydwer Review

by on Dec 13, 2006

<b>Echoes of Faydwer "First Glimpse" Review</b><br /> <br /> EverQuest 2's most ambitious expansion, Echoes of Faydwer, launched about a month ago. Tony "RadarX" Jones reviewed the game from the standpoint of an EQ2 devotee, now Jeff "Ethec" Woleslagle

Echoes of Faydwer "First Glimpse" Review

EverQuest 2's most ambitious expansion, Echoes of Faydwer, launched about a month ago. Tony "RadarX" Jones reviewed the game from the standpoint of an EQ2 devotee, now Jeff "Ethec" Woleslagle evaluates the game as a returning gamer. Is EoF enough to bring former EQ2 and EQLive players back? To bring gamers new to the EverQuest tradition aboard?

"New in this expansion: the Fae, a new playable race of the "good" persuasion. The female Fae look awesome, they're very intricate and ornate models that float above ground, which handily negates the everyday hazards of living in a treetop city. The male Fae also have wings, and float. Yup. The answer to the question, "How do you make a convincing male Fae?" is probably, "You don't." But due to strict Norrathian gender equity standards, they're there, giving the lady Fae something to ogle at in Kelethin's numerous eating establishments. If you choose testosterone on the character select screen and don't fancy the... er, flighty look, you can chose any of the other purely good races with Kelethin as a starting city. This might be the more fun option, since being an outsider opens you up to a lot of fun ribbing from the xenophobic Fae NPCs. The Fae language quest is particularly comical, SOE has some really talented quest writers."

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016