EQ2: New Expansion Pack, Echoes of Faydwer Announced

by on May 02, 2006

Some big news folks. More than 350 new quests, a new playable race, more adventure zones and creatures, new armor/clothing, etc, etc.

What could possibly be the downside?
The release date which is expected to be November 14, 2006. In the meantime, SOE will be releasing the 3rd adventure pack, The Fallen Dynasty this June.

SAN DIEGO, CA - May 3, 2006 - Sony Online Entertainment LLC (SOE), a global leader in the online games industry, today announced details on its latest plans for EverQuest II, which include a new expansion pack featuring an all new playable race and an adventure pack introducing an Asian flair to the popular massively multiplayer online game.

Check out the entire press release here.

You can also check out their new websites!

Echoes of Faydwer:


The Fallen Dynasty


Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016