EQ2 Offers Multi-month Subscription Rewards

by on Sep 08, 2010

Loyalty has its rewards when it comes to your <a href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/eq2">EverQuest II</a> subscription and for players who choose to pay up for multiple months, those rewards are pretty

Loyalty has its rewards when it comes to your EverQuest II subscription and for players who choose to pay up for multiple months, those rewards are pretty sweet!

For subscribers who pony up for 3-month, 6-month, or 12-month subscriptions, you will score a reduced subscription cost and these goodies:

- With the 3 Month subscription, receive a Cloak of the Storm. ($13.99 per month)

- With the 6 Month subscription, receive a Cloak of the Storm and the Nizaran Assassin Armor Crate. ($12.99 per month)

- With the 12 Month subscription, receive a Cloak of the Storm and the Nizaran Assassin Armor Crate, Steed of the Blazing Sun, and 500 Station Cash. ($11.99 a month)

These rewards are retroactive so if you already have a multi-month subscription, be sure to type /claim in game to get yours.

To check out the rewards or find out more about EverQuest II multi-month subscriptions, please visit this page on EQ2 Players.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016