EVE DevBlog Swings the Nerf Bat

by on Jul 29, 2008

<strong>I feel the need, the need for speed! That was bad, sorry!</strong>

I feel the need, the need for speed! That was bad, sorry!

This week's EVE Online DevBlog is not for the faint of numbers and theory. There are fancy charts and discussions of percentages, all things native to players of EVE, but scary to the RPers playing their fuzzy bunny on planet myopia. "But Medeor," you ask "what do all the numbers mean?" Well, it means that the developers are looking hard and fast at an area of the game becoming more noticeable since the factional warfare has been put into place, namely the speed of the crafts.

CCP is putting significant resources into changes to the speeds and modifications to speeds that ships can achieve. Some will hail, and some will use another four letter word starting with "h."

As Nozh (the Dev Blogger) says "Yes flock, the dev giveth and the dev taketh. And surely, many will lament that he is heavy on the taketh this time around." He also reminds people that these plans are on the test realm, and they are recruiting players like you to help them work through the systems trials and tribulations:

We are fully aware that such complex changes can have unforeseen results, especially since such an agglomeration of them is difficult to test without the participation of a large number of players. Thus, we urge you to log onto Singularity (our test server) this Monday, July 28TH to give them a spin and spare us no feedback or thoughts on these issues. We're allocating a long time (a month or
more) to oversee the changes because we are open to further tweaks, based on your suggestions.

As a complete novice to the world of EVE, the charts showing speed changes seem slight, but the seasoned veteran in me knows that a slight deviation here and there can have significant impacts when they are all mashed together. I can already hear the wailing of those feeling the nerf bat. Read the whole enchilada on the EVE DevBlog.

Do wholesale changes like this make you nervous for the future of the game, or do you take the amount of information shared and the way its shared as a true commitment to the future of the game? I think it is one more way that CCP differentiates itself from the other developers in an open and honest line of communication, do you?

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016