EVE Economics 101 at the Austin Game Developers Conference 2007

by on Sep 06, 2007

<strong>Game theory in Economics isn't just about prisoners anymore!</strong>

Game theory in Economics isn't just about prisoners anymore!

When it comes to online economies, few MMOG worlds are as intricate or complex as what can be found in EVE Online. Players interested in generating tons of cash often crunch through all sorts of numbers in a search for the most efficient way to make a buck. To keep their economy running smoothly and to examine how the economy has changed, CCP hired Dr. Eyjólfur Guðmundsson (Dr. EyjóG) to act as their lead economist and oversee the economic operations of EVE. At AGDC, Ten Ton Hammer had the opportunity to be the first public interview with Dr. EyjóG after his initial hiring with CCP.

Now that he has been unleashed upon the public, I was interested to know how Dr. EyjóG originally came to know of CCP and their online world. It turns out that Iceland is a fairly small place. "I was attending a conference on experimental economics," he said. "I feel in love with the idea of a single server world and the concept of a game where you can actually lose what you've hoarded. It appealed to me that you actually have to develop business skills in order to succeed."

Check it out right here at Ten Ton Hammer.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016