EVE Enlightened - Cinematic Visuals with Walking in Stations

by on Nov 08, 2008

EVE Online has long been on the bleeding edge of tech, and CCPs bid to use the real-time radiosity (simply put, light bouncing off of multiple surfaces and onto characters and models) in its Walking I

EVE Online has long been on the bleeding edge of tech, and CCPs bid to use the real-time radiosity (simply put, light bouncing off of multiple surfaces and onto characters and models) in its Walking In Stations (WIS) project will help create a first-in-class, stunningly realistic feel. Chris Doran, Founder and CEO of Geomerics, drew plenty of oos and aahs as he demonstrated how his product, called Enlighten, will take immersion to a cinematographic level.

Check out the EVE Enlightened article and prepare to be impressed!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016