EVE Online Chronicles: Cities in Refuge

by on Aug 22, 2008

<strong>Killer or heavenly messenger, and can someone be both in the world of EVE Online?</strong>

Killer or heavenly messenger, and can someone be both in the world of EVE Online?

Read the latest addition to EVE Online's Chronicles "Cities in Refuge" and get a feel for the war torn cities and how the inhabitants attempt to maintain a so called normal life. The story is from Keeler's perspective, a Gallentean living on Caldari Prime recently returned to Caldari by force. Yet again, the Chronicles series provides a compelling short story that gives up just slivers of life in the world of EVE Online.

"Keeler stopped, having all the time in the world, and listened for the sound. There was a breeze and at first he thought the noise might merely be a piece of something flapping in the wind. As he listened on, he discerned a raspy tone to it, and a stifled irregularity punctuated by longer, harsher gusts. Someone was in there, coughing.

For an adult this might have been an agonizing dilemma: run away and hope not to get a bullet in your back; find a guard and risk betraying one of your own; or go in and investigate. For a child, no dilemma.

Keeler went in."

Read the rest of Cities of Refuge at EVE Online.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016