EVE Online Factional Warfare Impressions

by on Sep 17, 2008

<strong>Is Factional Warfare working as intended?</strong>

Is Factional Warfare working as intended?

Andrew Wallace from MMORPG.com has spent enough time to pen his thoughts on the Factional Warfare in EVE Online and while it may not be for everyone, apparently it is fun for some. In true CCP fashion, the FW system has been put in place with minimal restrictions or anticipations. Essentially CCP has given the players a field and a ball and the directions to "figure it out, and enjoy!" Or as Andrew describes:

“Is it any good, though? Well, it's doing what it was intended to do, by helping pilots who wouldn't normally PVP to get involved in casual fighting. FW is also a way for corporations that normally focus on empire warfare to sign up and put themselves into a state of constant war, with more than enough targets to shoot and action almost on demand, but, to the lone, inexperienced, pilot, joining FW can be a daunting experience.”

Read the rest of the Factional Warfare impression at MMORPG.com.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016