EVE Online Fanfest PvP Tournament

by on Aug 01, 2008

<strong>Continuing to buck trends, EVE announces different kind of PvP tourny.</strong>

Continuing to buck trends, EVE announces different kind of PvP tourny.

Fanfest 2008 information and excitement keeps growing, and now EVE Online has announced the basic PvP tournament rules. In the first of its kind (that I know of) the tournament is based around mining. Yes, that mining. Teams will be given ships and skills and set loose to mine like crazy, but there is a catch. The miners will be running a gauntlet of other ships trying to prevent them from delivering their ore. Players will be able to kill enemy miners and loot their wrecks. Short and sweet, the rules seem easy enough. The marketing name is very concise as well:
The Super Ultimate EVE Online Mining Tournament of Awesomeness

TSUEOMTA (that acronym just rolls off the tongue doesn't it?) will have more updates as Fanfest gets closer, so read up on the rest of the known details at EVE Online, and yes, there is a chart.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016