EVE Online: Five Years and Counting

by on May 06, 2008

<strong>Eve Online recap. 5 years and still ticking</strong>

Eve Online recap. 5 years and still ticking

Eve Online has a strong player base and it continues to grow 5 years after its inception. What has happened since day one? Let's take a look back.

In case you were lost in space, mining some rare mineral, today marks five years since a world of adventure, darkness, war, and spectacular beauty dove headfirst into the hands of gamers around the world. CCP created a game where rails were an unfamiliar term and players were encouraged to find new ways of conquering the galaxy or the market that supported it all. Wars were waged, empires rose and fell, and evolution continued to shape the world on all fronts. EVE Online has reached five years and what an amazing journey the game has taken.

For more, please visit Massively.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016