EVE Showing Up as an FPS Someday?

by on Nov 11, 2008

<strong>EVE going FPS on us?</strong>

EVE going FPS on us?

In addition to the tons of info gathered and shown by our own Jeff “Ethec” Woleslagle in our EVE Fan Fest Coverage, apparently CCP's executives have more plans for the franchise. Discussed as an aside, Hilmar Petursson and Nathan Richardsson apparently showed a short clip of an FPS-type game when discussing the future of EVE. From Eurogamer:

”Footage was shown of a Halo-like shooter on a daylit, Earth-like planet surface. The architecture and gun designs were clearly redolent of the space MMO's art style.
There was also a third-person view of a land vehicle driving across the surface.”

Not much else is known at this time, but with the amount of information doled out by CCP at this year's Fan Fest is amazing. I spent two days at a Blizzard event and learned almost nothing, I spend five minutes watching the feeds from the Fan Fest Coverage and am blown away. Much more to follow about EVE's future plans, so stay tuned.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016