EverQuest 2 Fluff Editorial

by on Feb 20, 2006

<strong>Examining the Extras in EverQuest II</strong><br /> <br /> We've all been in-game and have noticed or figured out something and thought we were the smartest people alive. We of course ignored the fact that 2,000 other people had figured it out

Examining the Extras in EverQuest II

We've all been in-game and have noticed or figured out something and thought we were the smartest people alive. We of course ignored the fact that 2,000 other people had figured it out before us. Throw us a fricking bone here! RadarX delves into what EverQuest 2 has in the way of "fluff" and explains why these little extras make the game better.

One of the best things EverQuest 2 does, in my mind, is provide story that brings the game alive. There is always someone willing to talk to you about what they are doing and why, or about another non-player character. These subtle little touches add an element of realism to the game that I can't find in other games. While it's proven to be impractical now, the voice overs they did with the original release game were absolutely amazing. There were a few that got annoying (if I hear "Gather round people!" one more time somebody is dying...) but overall it provided an immersion that I have yet to see in another MMO.

Read the entire article at EQ2 @ TenTonHammer.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016