EverQuest II Takes a Shadow Odyssey

by on Nov 18, 2008

<strong>Newest expansion is on the shelves.</strong>

Newest expansion is on the shelves.

In other expansion news today, EverQuest II has launched it's latest expansion, the Shadow Odyssey. The expansion is full of promised goodies, including my personal favorite - crafting raids! I have no idea how that will work, but it's very enticing for a crafting addict like myself.

As with any expansion, there are patch notes. Lots and lots of patch notes!

The Shadow Odyssey is now live!

You can visit EQ2Players.com to read news and articles about the latest EverQuest II expansion or you can dive right into game and visit the new airship near the Sinking Sands docks to visit the newly discovered Moors of Ykesha.

An all new map system has been added for all players.

For the full patch notes, please visit the EverQuest II Players site.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016