Exclusive Agency E3 Blog - A Transmission Intercepted

by on Jul 19, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">By Kevin O'Hara, Senior World Designer for SOE Seattle</span><br> <br> /Transmission intercepted<br>

Kevin O'Hara, Senior World Designer for SOE Seattle

/Transmission intercepted

Agent Wilson’s identity has been compromised and he has been
removed from the E3 mission!

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Kevin demoing on the
show floor while Client Lead, Alex Pfaffe, explains technical jargon on
screen behind him.

This is Kevin O’Hara, Senior World Designer for SOE Seattle,
taking over the blog for Matt. He has to skip out on the last day of E3
due to a different travel commitment. Though personally I think it may
have had more to do with the amount of sake at our table last night. I
do have to give my highest recommendation for Bond St. restaurant on
Wilshire in Beverly Hills. Hal, Matt and I were treated to an
unbelievably fantastic meal by Nabil Debira from our international
office. Not only was the food first rate but we got to hang out on the
top floor of the hotel with a wonderful view of the Los Angeles
skyline; a chic spot stars mingle at. We apparently just missed
crossing paths with Prince. Truly we were living the life of elite

I’m not sure there is much more I can report from the E3
floor. Another busy day packed with interviews (more than I was
expecting, thanks Matt *smiles* ). The third day does allow for you to
spend a bit more time with people you’ve talked to before and
have returned with more questions. Personally I’ve very
pleased with the enthusiasm the press had for our game. Although we
couldn’t give them more information about our release date,
they were very understanding and appreciative that SOE is fully
committed to paying more attention to quality over set release
schedules.  This was clearly shown with our other game, style="font-style: italic;">Free Realms. The
extra care and time they have been taking has paid off in spades; the
game just looks so fun to play now.

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href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/38643"> src="/image/view/38643/preview" width="150">

Our station on show

About 1:30 PM, Hal had to take off to catch his flight so I was alone
to man the final few interviews. Luckily I got a little bit of time to
check out some other media suites. Outside of our own games (seriously,
I want to play Free
), I think the game that most sparked my interest
was Valve’s Left
For Dead
. It just looked like a lot of fun taking down
zombies in a team.

Well that’s all from The Agency team this year at E3. Agent
O’Hara, signing out.

 /End Transmission

Note: You can see all of Matt's E3 blogs by
style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"
target="_blank">clicking here style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">!)

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016