Exclusive Gatheryn Interview with Isa Stamos

by on Feb 16, 2009

A few months ago, the Ten Ton Hammer staff had the wonderful opportunity to sit down with the creative minds behind <i><a href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/taxonomy/term/1722" target="_blank">Gatheryn</a></i>, an upcoming MMO set in a steampunk type

A few months ago, the Ten Ton Hammer staff had the wonderful
opportunity to sit down with the creative minds behind href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/taxonomy/term/1722"
an upcoming MMO set in a steampunk type world where everything from
flying dirigibles to steam-powered monkeys is possible. With their
recent hire of Game Studio Director Isa Stamos (famous for her work on The
Force Unleashed), the Gatheryn developers
are revving their engines and getting closer and closer to the
beginning of their beta testing phase. We sat down with Isa to get an
update on this upcoming MMO and see what's next on the horizon for Gatheryn!

Ten Ton Hammer: You allude to a robust character
creation system for Gatheryn.
Let's test that out. Can I make my character a heavyset, balding man
who is short? What about a tall, malnourished-looking guy? Can I adjust
my character's age during creation?

Isa: All three of those scenarios are possible. Our system is
very flexible and allows players to come up with a lot of unique looks.
Combining the powerful customization of the character, there will be
great options for hairstyles, clothing and other equipment so each
player can look unique and have fun changing their look.

target="_blank">To read the rest of the exclusive Gatheryn
interview, click here!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016