Exclusive Guild Wars Interview with Bobby Stein - The Next Big Step

by on Nov 11, 2008

Trying to "win" in the MMOG marketplace is often something of a gamble. You put your money in [<i>To the tune of $50 million.--Ed.</i>] and then you sit back and <a

Trying to "win" in the MMOG marketplace is often something of a gamble.
You put your money in [To the tune of $50 million.--Ed.]
and then you sit back and href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncDoBslvaIg"
target="_blank">see if you hit the jackpot. With
the original target="_blank">Guild Wars,
NCsoft and ArenaNet hit those three lucky sevens, and it wasn't due to
simple dumb luck. One part of that equation was the writing team behind
the original series, and those writers have now set their focus on the
sequel to Guild Wars. Ten Ton Hammer's Cody "Micajah" Bye sat down with
Writing Team Lead Bobby Stein to talk about the process that team goes
through and what we might expect from href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/taxonomy/term/183"
target="_blank">Guild Wars 2. There's some juicy
tidbits in there, so make sure you check this one out!

job as writers is to impart the story through convincing and
compelling dialogue in the smallest space possible. Players will have
no shortage of interesting stories in which to immerse themselves, but
those stories will be presented in new ways compared to the original
Guild Wars," Bobby stated. "I tell my team all the time that a good
actor can’t save bad dialogue. If you’ve written
something that sounds
wonky when you read it aloud, you need to change it. Lines need to be
short, credible, and relatable. Even though our characters exist in a
fantasy world, they should exhibit the same sweeping emotions that we
do. As writers, we draw from our own personal victories, private
tragedies, and comedic moments for inspiration. We must breathe life
into these characters, or else they become nothing more than quest

target="_blank">To read the rest of our exclusive Guild Wars
interview, click here!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016