Exclusive Hands-On with Fury

by on Mar 09, 2007

<b>Killing is the Key</b><br /> <br /> Player versus player combat (PvP) has almost always been relegated to a secondary position in most MMOs with the majority of the functionality going towards player versus environment or factional warfare. Auran Stu

Killing is the Key

Player versus player combat (PvP) has almost always been relegated to a secondary position in most MMOs with the majority of the functionality going towards player versus environment or factional warfare. Auran Studios, which is based out of Australia, is proceeding to alter the landscape when it comes to PvP by introducing their new game, Fury. Ten Ton Hammer sits down with a playable version of the title and has a go at some PvP combat.

Probably the greatest asset that Auran has given to Fury is this singular concept: players are playing this game simply to PvP. "There's no PvE in Fury," said Tony Hilliam, Director and CEO of Auran. "Anything that is built on PvE detracts from the PvP. So we didn't include any PvE."

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016