Exclusive Paul Barnett Comic Con Blog: Darn you Barnett tell us WAR stuff

by on Jul 29, 2008

Comic Con may be at it's end but Paul Barnett leaves with memories of the true fans and decides to share a chicken nugget. How is Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning like a comic book?

Comic Con may be at it's end but Paul Barnett leaves with memories of the true fans and decides to share a chicken nugget. How is Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning like a comic book? In his own unique way Paul explains what will separate it from other games and the little details only a passionate development team could bring. Don't miss the conclusion of his Comic Con blog series.

The casual players will skim read and every now and them may get a small gem, and the hard core fighter types will ignore it. It's the fact we go to the time and trouble to add these things that draws our game apart from the others. It's why a great comic is so much more than just words and pictures. It's the elusive look for soul.

Exclusive Paul Barnett Comic Con Blog: Darn you Barnett tell us WAR stuff

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016