Exclusive SGW Comic-Con Blog - When Talking Becomes an Adventure

by on Jul 24, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">By Chris Klug, Creative Director, Stargate Worlds</span><br> <br> Well, we're at Comic Con, and yesterday was an adventure, for sure.<br>

Chris Klug, Creative Director, Stargate Worlds

Well, we're at Comic Con, and yesterday was an adventure, for sure.

First, for those of you who've never been to Comic Con, one way it can
be described is as a display of humanity in all our forms and varieties.

The people!  The people in makeup! The people in costumes!
 The people who should be wearing makeup and costumes but who

Wow.  I have my camera with me, so I hope to capture some of
the amazing sights.

Along with all those people come, well, sound.  That many
people crowded into that small a space (and, you need to understand
that the convention hall is HUGE, it only seems small because of all
the people) create lots of noise.  That fact along with the
many vendors hawking their wares (that would include us, of
course) through the use of microphones and speakers means it is a
cacophony of people speaking, yelling, grunting, etc.

We tried a couple times last night to do a demo of the game.
 We had a script of talking points, but, see, there's the rub.
 TALKING points. Trying to talk, even mic'ed and amplified, in
that environment, proved challenging.

It didn't help that the first time we tried the demo, our router failed
and it proved very difficult to play an MMO without an internet
connection. Who knew?

Perhaps the best part of the day was riding back in the cab from the
show. The cabbie gave us all a lesson in the creative use of the
gas/brake peddle combination.

More to come from Comic Con!

Note: You can read all of Chris' Comic Con blogs by href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/events/comic-con08/klug">clicking

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016