Exclusive WAR E3 Blog - E3 Post Mortem

by on Jul 18, 2008

Pack up your bags, turn in your hotel keys, and wait for the planes. E3 is all wrapped up, and the information that found its way out of the

Pack up your bags, turn in your hotel keys, and wait for the planes. E3
is all wrapped up, and the information that found its way out of the
show clearly depicted a convention that is slowly coming to life again.
In his last blog, WAR's Josh Drescher discusses a few of the games on
the show floor that really caught his eye, aside from his obvious
favorite (Warhammer Online). Josh gives a brief glimpse into the cult
of Warhammer, so please take a moment to read his blog (and href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/events/e308/war"
target="_blank">the rest of
them if you're interested). Enjoy!

style="font-style: italic;">That being said, I consider E3
2008 to be a real success. I had the
chance to debrief some trusted folks in the media and they seemed to
agree that having the chance to REALLY spend a decent amount of time
with developers proved extremely valuable. Not being forced to waste
50% of their time covering the spectacle of the event was –
grudgingly admit – great for them. The same holds true for
us. I’ve
often said that our game shows off better the longer we’re
able to demo
it, so not having to fight for five minutes worth of time with each
journalist as they tried to run to the next T-Shirt Cannon Event was
really great.

target="_blank">To read the entire WAR E3 Blog, click here!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016