Exteel: Dev Diary Four

by on May 08, 2008

<strong>Mechanaughts Fall In!</strong> Developer Diary 4 is packed full of goodies with screenshots to boot. Don't miss out.

Mechanaughts Fall In!

Developer Diary 4 is packed full of goodies with screenshots to boot. Don't miss out.

NCsoft's Team Beam, currently hard at work on the free-to-play, fast-paced, futuristic FPS Exteel, took a break from engaging mercenary war machines in combat to release a Developer Diary detailing the Rushnik Mechanaught, its weaponry highlights (including some exclusive screenshots), and the massive Dreadnaught battle map. Exteel provides for a unique online gaming experience that combines the classic FPS with an MMO-like persistent character you can develop and grow in skill and rank. We at Stratics Central are proud to provide this in-depth look at one of Exteel's Mechanaught classes and one of the maps in which you can wage mechanized war on your battle-hardened enemies.

For more, please visit Stratics.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016