Facerolling is Bad M’kay

by on Oct 11, 2009

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know it’s going to happen. It always does. Sometimes by the
same person over and over again, or by different people each time.
Regardless of if you are instancing with a 5 man PUG or a well oiled
raid group, there will always be at least one.

You know who I’m talking about. That person who makes it so
obvious that they have no clue what they are doing that it makes most
question whether they play by face rolling on the keyboard. That person
who has such poor situational awareness that it’s a running
joke within the guild. Sure they might be a nice person, but man do
they fail.

They stand in fire, gas clouds, and various other nasties on the
ground. They can’t do the slime dance, or make the jump to
Thaddius in Naxxramas, and you just know that they are going to forget
to turn around when Eadric the Pure casts his Radiance. Never mind that
a huge warning goes across your screen.

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sure that these players do not feel they are in the
wrong. Nor do I think that they are failing in this way to be
malicious. In fact I’m sure that there are those out there
(these face rollers included) that would defend them Maybe pulling out
the excuse they are casual players, who don’t have a lot of
time, and therefore we should go easy on them. But I think that this
excuse is nothing short of a load of Tauren dung.

The old casual player excuse kills me. Mostly because in the last
expansions and patches Blizzard has made WoW much more accessible to
the casual player. However WoW is never going to be a game where you
can just hop on and play. You are going to have to do some work
beforehand. The grind, the farming, and other preparations are as much
a part of the game as any instance.

“But I don’t have time to sit and read a lengthy
strategy, or watch some corny video. Can’t I just figure it
out as I go?” No, you really can’t . If you
don’t have the time to sit and read up on the fights you will
be encountering then in my opinion you have no business trying to do
instances. Stick to single player and save me and the rest of the
population the headache.

At the very least download some boss mods, speak to some people with
more experience than you and get a general idea of what you are up
against. Even mastering the most basic rule of WoW (never, ever stand
in anything unless otherwise instructed) will save you much
embarrassment and give the impression that you at least have some idea
of what you are doing. Keep in mind, if you are dead, you are useless.

Then of course you have the players that there is no hope for. No
amount of reading, training, or explaining will help them. They are
just clueless. What makes it even more annoying is that most of these
players have no idea why they just got kicked from the 5 man, or are
benched at every single raid. They just don’t get it, and
never will.

If they weren’t busy making extra work for the group and
wiping it, they could almost be felt sorry for. Heck if it
happen over and over again it might even be considered funny. The fact
of the matter is they will fail, and will continue to fail no matter
how many excuses you make for them.

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style="text-align: left;">How
exactly these players fail so hard I have no idea. Even if you
haven’t read the strategy on a fight, shouldn’t it
be obvious that you should move out of the huge green gas puddle, or
rather large patch of fire you are currently standing in? Even if you
manage to miss these things, shouldn’t you notice that your
health is dropping rather quickly? Or maybe after the first time, you
should realize that you did something wrong and attempt to not repeat
the mistake?

Let’s say you manage to miss all these things any player with
boss mods (and every player should really have them) should get ample
warning that they are doing something they shouldn’t be
doing. Most boss mods will go crazy, making your screen shake, blasting
loud annoying noises, and popping a huge warning across your screen.
Yet some players still manage to fail in spite of all this.

I do realize that not every single player is going to be an amazing
player. But if my 4 year old could possibly play better than you and
die less then perhaps you need to reevaluate what you are doing. It may
even be time to choose another game, because WoW is never going to be a
game where you don’t have to pay attention.

No one likes to wipe repeatedly, and if you are constantly dead, you
are nothing more than a hindrance to the group. They may as well be
doing the instance without you. So to those face rollers out there, as
the title of this article states, face rolling is bad m’kay.
So if you find yourself dead most of the time, and you find yourself
having a harder and harder time getting into groups, there is probably
one very logical explanation. You are the weakest link. Goodbye!

If you know any players like this, or just want to tell me
I’m an elitist meanie head, feel free to join us on our

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016