Fan-Submitted Q&A - Page Three - Bodyslots

by on Sep 28, 2007

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Bodyslots</span>:<br> <br> Q: How many bodyslots will one receive and how many can be visible on any given time (on the blood warrior and the runemage for example)?<br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">A: It&rsquo;s d


Q: How many bodyslots will one receive and how many can be visible on
any given time (on the blood warrior and the runemage for example)?

A: It’s
different per subclass, ranging from 10 to 15 bodyslot items per
subclass. Only 5 can be equipped in the bodyslot-bar at any time,
though. Tattoo’s and Scars show on torso, arms and head.

Q: The rune mages body slots are tattoo’s.. Will it be
looking like normal tattoos or will they have some glow particle
effect, etc.?

A: They’ll look
like normal tattoos, but with specific shapes. Glows and
particle’s, however awesome, are on the post release
to-do(/wish) list. It’s one of those things I really want,
but then again there are many of those.

Q: Will the skinshifter be able to move while using all his
bodyslots... like the one that turns him into a bush... will it be the
walking bush or does it set roots? Will the different appearances of
the Skinshifter have any real advantages except camouflage?

A: As a plant, no, as a
Boar (or whatever), yes. Skills are being tuned to benefit from
shapeshifting. Another great, PvE, advantage is that a skinshifter
shifting to an Arionite, will actually be considered an Arionite by all
NPC’s, mobs and wildlife around him, draw your own

Q: Skinshifter “in disguise” will “skin
out” as soon as someone targets him (even if Skinshifter is
OOC), or as soon as it directly participates to the combat?

A: When the skinshifter
attacks or is hit by an attack.

Q: It was said in the Dev Journal that a player could buy the bodyslots
items at the appropriate shops in game. I'm just wondering if this will
be the case for all the body slots items or will be able to loot, find,
craft and win them also?

A: All can be bought, no
crafting, looting etc.

Q: Will you have to buy bodyslots for Bloodwarrior too? It seems a bit
strange to buy scars…

A: The Bloodwarrior
doesn’t buy scars, he buys bodyslots with combat experience
of battles fought long ago. When wielded, these magical powers manifest
themselves through scars like they were experienced first hand when
they were created.

Q: Is there any cooldown to using bodyslots?

A: Yes, it differs per
subclass and per bodyslot.

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Q: Is it possible to blend bodyslots in a combo? For Example, can a
Deathhand use 2-5 other skills and then a finisher which will add 50%
to the poison on the Bodyslot?

A: Depends on the class,
but to some extend yes. Deathhand poisonous attacks can be used in
combo strings and will award normal combo points. However, there are no
bodyslot-combo-finishers, or openers for that matter. They
won’t have a different effect on the combo then regular
skills have. Not all bodyslot related actions award combo points
though, like the ancestral mage ordering his pet to attack, which will
have no effect on the combo string.

Q: Will certain combos only be available when using certain bodyslots?

A: No

Q: Will there be reagents needed to execute some of the skills, such as

A: Was being considered,
but no.

Q: Will Bodyslots offer abilities that are permanent, without time

A: No

Q: Are the Bodyslots as we have seen them so far final or will there be
more, with content patches for example?

A: What lies hidden must
be found. (Sorry I was forced to use this line once, really, no really,
it’s just a coincidence that it’s this question,

Q: How will tattoos and scars work on players that have already
tattoos? Will they overlap each other or are there defined free areas
on the body?

A: Regular
tattoo’s will be diminished (temporarily) by the presence
magical body tattoos.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016